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Ensuring access to water and sanitation for all, is one of the United Nations key Sustainable Development Goals, and although progress has been made only 73 percent of the world’s population has access to safely managed drinking water.

Investments in infrastructure and sanitation facilities; protection and restoration of water- related ecosystems; and hygiene education are among the steps necessary to ensure universal access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030, and improving water-use efficiency is key to reducing water stress.

Against this backdrop, the Strategic Conference provides a forum for leaders and policymakers to collaboratively shape strategies and accelerate solutions that will safeguard regional water security to ensure future prosperity for the Arab world.


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Advancing Water Circularity for a Sustainable Future

Integrating green circular economy principles into water management practices, will be pivotal for the Arab region to address water security challenges. Arab nations have already started taking steps towards water circularity through wastewater treatment and recycling, water conservation, and innovative pricing strategies. Addressing barriers around infrastructure, investment, policy reforms, and consumer behaviour will be critical to advancing adoption of circularity in the water ecosystem.
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Balancing Supply and Demand for Efficient Water Management

Water scarcity, climate change, and burgeoning population necessitate strategic water management. Efficient demand management complemented by supply augmentation and integrated planning and targeted investments will be crucial to achieving the efficiency necessary for water security. Strengthening policies and regulations, accelerating data collection, and regional partnerships and collaboration will be key to drive results.
Water Energy Food Nexus

Interconnected Futures: Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Effective governance of the water-energy-food nexus is vital for ensuring security of these critical resources both regionally and globally. The water ecosystem is further impacted by climate change altering availability and exacerbating effect on energy and food ecosystems. Institutional and policy barriers, financial and capacity constraints, and knowledge and data gaps are hindering implementation of a cohesive WEF strategy to ensuring greater security and sustainability.
Climate & Environment

Aligning Water and Climate Goals through Green Investments

Scaling up and aligning financing flows is critical for achieving the necessary momentum to address the challenges around water security and climate action. With governments and banks increasingly focusing on climate action, leveraging public-private partnerships and green bonds will be crucial.
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Building Climate Resilient Infrastructure

Water treatment capacities, water storage, sanitation and desalination infrastructure are the backbone of water supply and security in the region. With the region being highly vulnerable to climate change, and witnessing growing demand, pressure on already scarce resources will increase. Building water infrastructure to resist and recover from catastrophic weather events will be instrumental, and will require partnerships, strategies, technologies and investments to build.
Digital Water Management

Leveraging Digitalisation for Sustainable Water Solutions

Digitalisation is transforming how water resources are managed, monitored, and utilised. Implementing smart water management systems that use data analytics, IoT, and AI to optimise distribution and processes, and improve customer engagement. Finding the right balance between innovation and reliability will be crucial in realisation of mature digital solutions. Scalability and interoperability with existing systems is crucial for long-term sustainability.
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Putting Talent at the Top of the Agenda

The International Labour Organization estimates that by 2030, the green economy could create 24 million jobs worldwide, with climate tech playing a vital role in this growth. Building a future-proof talent pool will require a multi-pronged approach including strategic workforce planning, capacity-building programs, rapid reskilling and upskilling, and embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion.



60+ exhibitors from more than 24 countries across the water ecosystem will come together at the Arab Water Forum to showcase technologies and solutions driving progress and shaping the future of the water sector. The exhibition offers direct access to financiers from key infrastructure and utilities projects, facilitating new growth opportunities and commercial partnerships.

Strategic Conference

Engaged, cross-sector collaboration is necessary to push forward accelerated, capital-efficient regional water projects. This conference will gather global policy makers and business leaders to discuss the key trends shaping the future of the water sector – focusing on action and scalable impact. Ministerial and global leadership panel sessions will highlight the critical leadership role of the Arab region in an increasingly water stressed world.

Leadership Roundtables

Anchored within the Arab Water Forum, the Leadership Roundtables will facilitate the high-level dialogue required to form consensus, address these challenges, and deliver meaningful progress. Bringing together policymakers and CEOs, scientists and academics, this inclusive gathering will bridge public and private sectors to collectively address the challenges confronting the water sector.